Your voice is something that comes naturally when you talk. You don’t have to force or change it. However, for trans people, that is not the case. Their sex at birth is often not who they identify as and there is a definite discrepancy. This negatively impacts their self-esteem and most often than not, gender dysphoria occurs.
In fact, many people might not think about how important finding transgender voice therapy in Los Angeles really is.
Amongst all the surgeries and therapy they go through to align better with who they identify as, voice therapy is one of the most important. Because your voice is often associated with gender, it is considered an important step of a transition. For example, male voices often have a deeper range whilst female voices are often perceived as more high-pitched.
Voice Change

Many trans men and women seek services looking for voice surgery so that their voices match their desired sex. If one is transitioning from female-to-male, testosterone is often the hormone given during this process. Testosterone masculinizes the voice by lowering its pitch and increasing the size of the vocal cords. Although testosterone will usually result in a more “masculine” voice – there is still always room to improve the voice further.
For male-to-female transitions, however, the process can prove to be more difficult as the opposite hormone is given – Oestrogen. Oestrogen does not have the same effect as testosterone and it is not as simple as feminizing one’s voice. Although voice surgery is the most common solution for most people, it is vital to get voice therapy after to properly get the best possible results.
Voice Training As An Alternative
Voice training should be sought before, and sometimes even after voice surgery. Transgender voice therapy in Los Angeles will often help trans people get the right voice range they want to achieve. They do this through means of voice training where voice trainers will go through exercises to shorten and/or increase the tension in vocal cords. Through these exercises, the voice pitch will change. Voice therapy is a good alternative to Laryngeal surgery which can have negative side effects. Even after surgery, some people choose voice training to help “fine-tune” their new voice.
About Transgender Voice Therapy Los Angeles
Transgender Voice Therapy is a company founded by LA Speech Solutions, who is committed to providing their clients with the best service possible. We provide transgender voice therapy in Los Angeles and take pride in helping their clients find the voice they desire and identify with. For more updates, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.