MtF voice therapy Los Angeles specialists explain the process of speech therapy and surgery for MtF voice feminization.
If you’re looking into MtF voice feminization, you can either do speech therapy, surgery, or both. Below we go over what the process is like and what can help you achieve optimal results.
What is MtF Voice feminization?
MtF (male to female) voice feminization speech therapy is repeated training that brings the speech, voice and communicative behavior in line with the patient’s gender identity. The main goal of your speech therapy is to learn how to develop a feminine sound by mastering the following:
- Lively articulation
- Feminine pattern of intonation
- ‘Head’ resonance
Other than the voice, non-verbal communication is important to learn as well. This includes your behavior, posture and facial expressions.

What Speech Therapy is Like
During speech therapy sessions, professionals will guide you to work on all the aspects of voice feminization. They make sure you are changing your voice in a healthy manner and require you to practice consistently. Without proper guidance, patients can irritate their vocal chords. Moreover, if not guided properly, it could lead to oedema or nodules. Speech therapists help you avoid that and want to help you reach your voice pitch goals.
In general, MtF voice therapy provide great results for many transwomen. However, if needed, you can have MtF voice feminization surgery to get a higher pitch. After surgery, it’s still important to have voice therapy to have the best results. Understanding all the aspects of voice therapy will allow you to have the basic tone in a healthy process.
Speech therapists want to help you achieve control of your voice with a combination of intonation, resonance, and breathing. They will help you achieve a healthy voice, not just a feminine voice in a higher register. Furthermore, natural, non-verbal communication as a woman is also part of the process.
About LA Speech Therapy Solutions
MtF voice therapy in Los Angeles experts want to help you reach the voice that represents you. Our voice specialists understand your situation and we have techniques to help you achieve your desired voice. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on our services!